Corporate Brand Strategy
Our process has five steps:
1. Discover
We highly recommend that you begin the process with market research that:
- Provides the market’s perspective of you brand and those of your competitors
- Obtains staff perceptions of your brand
This can be done by Peartree Brand Strategy or another organisation of your choice.
2. Define
Using the market research and input from you leadership team we look for powerful elements that will differentiate your brand from competitors and resonate with customers.
3. Document your brand identity
We then take the information from the workshop and craft your newly defined brand that is agreed by the leadership team. As a written document it provides objective guidance in all aspects of your business: strategic decision-making, recruitment choices, staff performance, marketing programs, etc.
Communicating your brand identity to staff provides clarity of purpose and becomes invaluable when briefing external marketing and communication consultants.
4. Declutter - Multiple brand strategy
If your business has a number of sub brands you will need to consider how best to manage them for overall profitability and brand equity.
5. Deliver - Brand implementation strategies
Having determined and documented your brand vision with your brand identity the next step is to embed your brand, beginning internally and then externally through a range of programs. Peartree Brand Strategy assists in coordinating these activities, particularly if you do not have an established marketing infrastructure.