Brand Awareness

Ten ways to build a brand for your small business

Not surprisingly I love it when I read a blog that supports the Peartree Brand Strategy approach to brand development. This is one such blog.   Ten ways to build a brand for your small business By Dan Einzig of Mystery Many small business owners I talk to already understand that branding is essential to their business, …Read more

Make your values your values

I was going to title this post “make your values your brand” but then I thought I should go back a step and talk about what values – and whose values – I’m talking about. The reality is that too many organisations of all sizes fall into the trap of trying to be something they …Read more

How Brands Make Emotional Connections

For brands to gain lasting distinction product differentiators are not enough. Successful brands connect powerfully at an emotional level with their customers. As Brad VanAuken of The Blake Project points out in this article “Emotional connection can take your customers beyond brand loyalty to the ultimate measure of a compelling brand: brand advocacy.”   How …Read more

Rebrand, refresh or re-engineer?

If you’re thinking about rebranding your organisation, you may want to think again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for one minute suggesting you shouldn’t be constantly thinking about your image, your place in the world and how they can be refreshed, reinvigorated or just fine-tuned. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s just that most …Read more